Will WPC Decking Fade?


Whether WPC decking  will fade depends on a variety of factors, in general, if WPC decking quality is good and properly used and maintained, the fading is relatively not obvious or will appear slightly after a long time; However, if the quality is poor or the environment used is harsh, and the later maintenance is improper, there may be a more obvious fading problem. Here is a breakdown of some specific situations:


WPC decking


Quality factors

1. Raw material quality:Using high-quality plastics (such as polyethylene, polypropylene, etc.) and wood fiber, and adding enough anti-ultraviolet agents, antioxidants of WPC decking, its anti-fading performance will be better. Poor quality raw materials, anti-aging and anti-fading ability is poor, it is easy to quickly fade.

2. Production process: Advanced production process can make raw materials fully mixed and plasticized to ensure uniform product structure and stable color distribution. For example, the quality and anti-fading properties of WPC decking can be improved by precisely controlling parameters such as extrusion temperature and pressure. Process stability can lead to internal defects in the product, affecting the stability of the color and increasing the risk of fading.


Environmental factors

1. Light: Long-term exposure to strong sunlight, especially ultraviolet radiation, will affect the color of WPC decking. Ultraviolet light breaks the chemical bonds in plastic and wood fibers, leading to changes in the molecular structure of the color, which causes fading. However, if enough and high-quality anti-ultraviolet agents are added, the damage of ultraviolet light to the color can be reduced to a certain extent.

2. Temperature: Extreme high or low temperature environments may accelerate the aging process of WPC decking, which in turn affects the stability of the color. For example, in a high temperature environment, the molecular movement of plastic and wood fibers is intensified, which may lead to the migration or decomposition of color molecules, causing fading. In addition, material expansion and contraction caused by temperature changes may also stress the color layer, causing the color to fall off or fade.

3. Humidity:In high humidity environment, WPC decking is easy to absorb water, which may lead to wood fiber expansion, thus damaging the color layer or affecting the color presentation effect. If it is in a humid environment for a long time and is not properly maintained, it will accelerate the occurrence of fading.


Use and maintenance factors

1. Daily cleaning:Regular and correct cleaning can remove dirt, dust and pollutants from the surface, which, if attached to the floor surface for a long time, may chemically react with the floor or affect the reflection of light, causing the color to look dull or uneven. Use mild cleaners and suitable cleaning tools (such as soft cloths, brooms, etc.) and avoid using corrosive chemicals that can damage the color layer of the floor surface.

2. Avoid wear and tear:Try to avoid dragging sharp or heavy objects on the WPC decking, so as not to scratch the floor surface and destroy the color layer. Upholstered or casters can be installed at the bottom of the furniture to reduce wear on the floor. If the floor surface is worn, it will not only affect the appearance, but also expose the internal materials to the external environment, accelerating the fading and aging process.

3. Regular maintenance:According to the product instructions and actual use, regular maintenance of WPC decking, such as the application of protective agents, waterproof agents, etc. These maintenance measures can form a protective film on the surface of the floor, enhance the anti-ultraviolet, anti-wear and anti-fading ability of the floor, extend the service life of the floor and maintain the stability of the color.

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